Tuesday, August 15, 2023


Some things that I’ve seen

Extraction 2

More of the same.  This time, the faux-oner lasts 20+ minutes.  Certainly some well executed action scenes, but nothing I’ll ever watch again.  This movie also has one of the stupidest, most annoying kids I’ve ever seen.  I wished they would have let him die.  

Regret watching? No

Would watch again? Yes

Would buy on DVD? No

Rating: Nice


I finally watched this after 30 years.  It’s got one of the most stacked casts I’ve ever seen, with some of the most beautiful people in the world.  And while Robin Givens flipping the tables on the womanizing Eddie Murphy (very slick and suave here) is amusing, he doesn’t do enough to make himself a sympathetic character.  I don’t get why Halle Berry would fall for him, I don’t buy for a second that he’s actually in love with her, and he does absolutely nothing to deserve the happy ending.  

On the plus side of the balance sheet, Grace Jones, Eartha Kitt, and Geoffery Holder absolutely destroy in their performances.  Major laugh out loud stuff.  Robin Givens is spectacular in her take-no-shit-from-anyone boss role.  And of course, Halle Berry.  

Regret watching? No

Would watch again? Yes

Would buy on DVD? No

Rating: Fine

New comics

New comics!

Superman Annual 2023

This is basically a continuation of Joshua Williamson’s run on the main title, told from the POV of the reporters at the Daily Planet.  It’s entirely pleasant, and sometimes that’s all I’m looking for from a Superman comic.

Avengers 4

The fight against the Ashen Combine begins.  This is the part of the arc where the Avengers get their asses kicked, only to come back with vengeance in the next issue.  It’s well drawn by CF Villa, but it’s missing that extra oomph that makes the best action scenes sing.  

Barnstormers 2

I really don’t care about this story by Scott Snyder, but damn if the Tula Lotay art isn’t some of the loveliest that I’ve ever seen.

Monday, August 7, 2023

New comics

New comics!

Love Everlasting 10

Joan finally falls in love in this timeline at the age of 90-something.  Rinse and repeat.  This arc hasn’t been the strongest, I didn’t need however many issues this lasted to get the point.

Fantastic Four 10

Ryan North can really bring it.  This is an outstanding one-shot, set up with amazing, eerie atmosphere.  Even with some duds in the run, it’s worth sticking around for issues like this.

Avengers 3

Setting up a major fight in the next issue.  Jed MacKay still has my interest, that’s for sure.

Batman: Brave and the Bold 3

Tom King’s story got bumped to the next issue which is total bullshit.  At least the other stories don’t completely suck, and there’s a story illustrated by Otto Schmidt.  But there’s no way I would have bought this given the proper information.


Some things I watched on my TV screen.

Your Place Or Mine

Reese Witherspoon and Ashton Kutcher are the couple to be in this blah blah blah.  Reese is an overprotective mother who blah blah blah.  Thank god this was free.

Regret watching? No (Because it cost nothing and ran in the background)

Would watch again? No

Would buy on DVD? No

Rating: Didn’t suck

Secret Invasion

This was it.  The MCU project that destroyed my faith in the Marvel Machine.  Coming on the heels of the wretched Quantumania (and that rating is too high), Secret Invasion completely shredded any remaining confidence I have in Kevin Feige and Co’s ability to land however many future phases they have left in them.  

Secret Invasion is a textbook example of wasted potential.  This could have been an amazing experience in paranoia, who’s really a Skrull, far-reaching ramifications, and shocking reveals.  It could have been the culmination of three phases of Marvel movies.  It could have been glorious.

Instead, it’s a small scale disappointment with reveals, deaths, and plots that fail to carry any emotional weight.  Maria Hill and Talos die with little fanfare, ending the runs of two brilliantly cast and completely wasted actors.  Emilia Clarke is now the most powerful character in the universe, and I can’t bring myself to care.  What the hell was that weak ass, unimaginative fight at the end?

Nick Fury has lost all of his luster; On that point, the show’s spot on: He’s old and has nothing left to give.  His marriage could have had some real heft (and almost gets there), but ends up being something else that I don’t care about.  

I daresay that Marvel is reaching DCU levels of badness.  They’ve fallen so far, it makes me so sad.  

Regret watching: No (I mean, I was going to watch it regardless of how bad it was)

Would watch again: No

Would buy on DVD: No

Rating: Stupid

Updated TV rankings:

  1. She-Hulk

  2. Hawkeye

  3. Wandavision

  4. Ms Marvel

  5. Loki

  6. Falcon/Winter Soldier

  7. Moon Knight

  8. Secret Invasion