Saturday, June 3, 2023

New comics

New comics!

Junkyard Joe 5-6

I reread the first four issues because it’d been so long.  Past the initial concept of a Vietnam-era robot returning after sixty years, this is an entirely paint-by-numbers story.  There’s absolutely nothing surprising in these six issues, Geoff Johns hits every single predictable plot point I could have imagined.  

It’s the execution that saves Junkyard Joe.  I still enjoyed reading this (even as it felt like three issues of content stretched over six).

Nightwing 104

Speaking of predictable, Nightwing with the powers of Superman turns out exactly as I expected.  (Spoiler alert, he doesn’t take Neron up on his offer…)  This arc didn’t suck, but I’m not sad to see it end.

Deep Cuts 2

Another jazz story, set in the late twenties.  The story is fine, but Helena Masellis’ art is absolutely beautiful and perfect for the issue.  I’ve never heard of her before, but check out her other work, I love it!

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