Sunday, October 18, 2020

New Comics, Powers

Two weeks of new comics to cover!

Die 14

This is usually the last comic in my buy pile that I read every time it comes out.  Not because I’m saving it for last, but because I’m not that enthused about it.  This month, same thing.  It’s still good, but I wonder if I should wait for the trade for the next arc.  

Rorschach 1

Typical Tom King - Too early to tell what’s going on, but I’m totally in.  

Seven Secrets 3

DCeased: Dead Planet 4

I’m enjoying these so much.  Tom Taylor is on such a roll right now in the comics world.  Strongly tempted to start looking for his past stuff.  

Captain Marvel 22

Lee Garbett!  Kelly Thompson’s alternate future is interesting enough, and more than enough to showcase Garbett’s art, which is really all I’m here for.

Strange Adventures 6

King already did the endless slog of war montage in Mister Miracle.  Not that it’s any less effective here, but I’m surprised to see a writer of his caliber reuse a bit so soon.

Getting it Together 1

This slice of life comic got some good early press, so I gave it a shot.  Eh.  It’s fine, but forgettable.  

Fire Power 4

So far, the regular series hasn’t been as good as the original prequel graphic novel.  To be fair, it hasn’t finished the initial arc yet, but I’m still a little worried.  Not that it’s bad, but it’s not standing out from the crowd.  

Powers vol 1 1-37

Powers Annual 2001 1

Powers vol 2 1-30

Powers Annual 2008 1

Powers vol 3 1

I’ve bitched in the past about how people like Phil Jimenez are way too wordy and boring with their writing.  Brian Michael Bendis’ scripts are just as dense, but they are some of the smoothest, easiest to read comics I’ve ever had the pleasure of consuming.  When he’s on top of his game, Bendis writes top-notch can’t-put-down leaves-me-breathless works of art.  Powers is one of those works.

And yet, this run gets nothing higher than a Good rating.  As captivating as the plots and dialogs are, this is the first time I’ve reread this series; I’ve never had the inclination to return to it after the initial release.  It’s one of those masterpieces that doesn’t speak to me emotionally.  It’s why, even though I was tempted, I haven’t picked up the remaining trades to this series after voraciously tearing through it in a week. (I got as far as the checkout page.)

I’d happily read it again if it was placed in front of me, but I may never actively seek it out again.  Which actually makes me rethink my “Would buy again,” which I had set to a no-brainer “Yes.”  Would I really buy it again?

Sigh.  Just as a matter of craft, I probably would.  It’s so well done.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Good.  (It dips to Pretty Good in the middle somewhere, Deena really becomes unlikable while she’s hiding her powers and killing people left and right.)

And that’s it for a short Powers box.  (It’s sharing space with DC Box 8.)  

Powers box summary

Time spent reading: 6 hours, 18 minutes

Issues read: 70

Issues cut: 0

Highlights (Good or better): All of it, except for a short stretch in the middle.

Project Summary:

Time spent reading: 30 days, 8 hours, 18 minutes

Issues read: 6241

Issues cut: 815

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