Wednesday, July 1, 2020

New comics, Blackest Night, Harley Quinn, Hawkworld

New comics!
DCeased: Unkillables 3
Tom Taylor is rapidly becoming one of my favorite current writers, based off of just this and the original series.  I may need to pick up Suicide Squad when it comes out in trade, and start picking up old Injustice trades.

In any case, this is awesome and super good.  Some people really know what to do with an Elseworlds book, free from the constraints of continuity.  Taylor is definitely one of them.

Die 11
My first issue as a monthly and not a trade.  This just reads better as a collection, there’s too much going on for it to be satisfying in such a little chunk.  But I’m going to start getting it monthly to support the title, I think.  Still good.

DC Box 4 summary!
Time spent reading: 21 hours, 25 minutes
Issues read: 209
Issues cut: 6
Highlights (Good or better): Green Arrow/Black Canary 1-6 (Cliff Chiang art!), Green Lantern: Rebirth 1-6, Green Lantern Secret Files 2005 (Darwyn Cooke!), Green Lantern Corps: Recharge 1-5, Sinestro Corps Special 1, Green Lantern 21, Green Lantern Corp 14-18 
Lots of good stuff in this box!  GLC by Dave Gibbons and Peter Tomasi, with Patrick Gleason on art is the highlight.  

Project Summary:
Time spent reading: 27 days, 4 hours, 48 minutes
Issues read: 5513
Issues cut: 716

Blackest Night 5-8
Green Lantern 48-52
Green Lantern Corps 46
Yeah, this just fell apart by the end.  It might be due to a sleep deprivation (the baby is going through a rough sleep patch), but I don’t think so.  This is a lot of flash with no substance.  What could have been a fun enough seven-color Lantern team ends up feeling forced and ridiculous.  With another return of Parallax (now overused after being pretty cool in Rebirth), a pointless fight w/ Spectre, and an ending that feels shockingly rushed considering how many issues it took to get to Blackest Night 8, this crossover ends up failing to deliver on a promising (even with all the zombies) concept.  

Still, all that said, I would still rebuy and reread this.  If nothing else, as the capper for a solid GL run.

Weak story or not, the art by Ivan Reis is super strong

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: Yes
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Nice to Fine by the end

Green Lantern Corps 42-45
GLC remains awesome.  The Black Lantern assault on the Green Power Battery and the ensuing battle is as epic as the rest of Tomasi’s run.  Excellent.

Mogo rules.

Hilarious, terrifying, and awesome all in one splash page.
Regret buying: No
Would buy again: Yes
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Pretty good

Atom and Hawkman 46
Some insight into Atom’s time as an Indigo Lantern.  Sure.  It fills in a touch of the main storyline.  Whatever.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Didn’t suck

Blackest Night: Flash 1-3
Another excuse for Geoff Johns to write a Rogue story.  Not really complaining, it’s what makes this story tolerable; The Blue Lantern Flash half of the story is really boring.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Fine

Blackest Night: Wonder Woman 1-3
The Star Sapphire costume is ridiculously ugly.  Even Wonder Woman can’t pull it off.  These issues are the definition of filler, but they’re at least mildly entertaining.  They can stay.

Nice page by Nicola Scott, mixing the beautiful and the grotesque

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Didn’t suck

Brightest Day 0-1
I got two issues of this before I realized it was an ongoing series following all the boring subplots that Johns laid out in Blackest Night.  Blech.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: No
Rating: Stupid (Cutting)

Green Lantern 53-61
Okay, this is where Johns stops trying.  Now that there are lanterns for each color of the spectrum, there need to be entities powering each one as well.  (Like Parallax for yellow and Ion for green.)  This might have been cool if they didn’t behave like literal pets.  It makes for a completely uninspiring arc, and I’m not surprised that this is where I stopped collecting.  

Cat Red Lantern!  Though really, all cats merit a red ring.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Fine (Cutting)

Green Lantern Corps 47
Tomasi cleans up all his loose ends and says goodbye to the title with a nice little epilogue to Brightest Day.  (Spoiler: This is also the last issue of GLC that I’m keeping.)

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: Yes
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Nice

Green Lantern Corps 49-57
Alpha Lanterns (ugh) and some villain called the Weaponer (ugh ugh).  Tony Bedard can’t keep the string of amazing writers going on this title.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: No
Rating: Oscillates between Fine and Didn’t suck

Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors 1-5
Tomasi follows GLC with this title.  He’s one of the few writers I know who can make Guy Gardner a likable hero, and the result’s a fun read.  I might pick up the next two issues to finish the arc.  I kind of want to know how it turns out.


I like Brother Warth.

Also love how Fernando Pasarin draws him.  Facepalm!

This is how you depict an unimpressed elephant.

The Guardian's physicist quip goes on my list of top comic lines.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: Yes
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Nice

Harley Quinn 0
A really talented list of artists draw a page apiece in this amusing-enough issue byAmanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Nice

Hawkworld 1-3
I bought this ages ago for six bucks, read it once, and haven’t picked it up since.  It’s worth the price of admission, an interesting enough take on a character who’s been rebooted countless times, but someone I’ve never given two hoots about.  (Though I’ve always loved Hawkgirl’s portrayal in the JLU cartoon.)

I’d read it again, but will probably never think to.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Nice

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