Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Busiek/Perez Avengers

Avengers 13-15
These issues really felt like filler, something that I wouldn’t have imagined from Kurt Busiek.  Justice continues to suffer from confidence issues around the Avengers, and almost quits until Firestar convinces him otherwise.  (She should have let him.)  Generic bad guy Pagan and other generic bad guy Lord Templar fight the Avengers for a while.  Generic good guy Triathlon show up and insists that the Triune isn’t a cult.  (It’s totally a cult.)  Let’s look up what happens to him afterwards, since I don’t recall seeing this guy ever again.  Hmm.  Looks like he becomes 3-D Man and doesn’t do much worth mentioning.  

I was impressed by the conversation between Captain America and Scarlet Witch in issue 15.  Wanda identifies Cap’s recent failings as a leader as a key reason for the team’s struggles in the field.  Cap takes the feedback with equanimity, and asks Wanda for suggestions on how to improve.  She responds with several thought out solutions.  It’s a textbook execution of having a difficult conversation with a manager, and could have been an example in the book.  

It's a good book, I recommend it.

I love that the Avengers Identicard has a calculator built into it:

But can it graph parabolic functions?

Regret buying? No
Would buy again? No
Would read again? No
Rating: Didn’t Suck

Avengers 16
Jerry Ordway pops in as guest writer and penciler for three issues.  He does nothing to make the ongoing Wrecking Crew story any more interesting than Busiek, and his lackluster pencils are enough to remove the issue from my shelf.  (Even though it continues the plot from the previous issues, I don’t consider it part of the Busiek/Perez run, and have no qualms about cutting it.  Past me clearly felt the same, as I don’t own the rest of Ordway’s issues.)

Regret buying? Yes
Would buy again? No
Would read again? No
Rating: Boring

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