Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Avengers vs X-Men, America

Finishing off the rest of the AvX-related issues.  Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays to everyone!

Versus 1-2
A series that does a deep dive on the 1-on-1 battles taking place throughout the mini-series.  It makes no effort to be anything but extended fight scenes, starting with the wonderfully tongue-in-cheek FAQs at the beginning of each issue.

Own it!

I’m impressed by the talent that Marvel recruited for a throwaway money grab.  The first two issues alone include Jason Aaron and Kieron Gillen among the writers, and there isn’t a weak artist between Adam Kubert, Stuart Immonen, Steve McNiven, and Salvador Larroca.  Beautifully illustrated, fun fights peppered with AvX Fun Facts?  Even if I don’t get the rest of AvX main story, I’ve got the trade queued up for purchase on Amazon right now.  

Regret buying? No
Would buy again? Yes
Would read again? Yes
Rating: Pretty Good

Uncanny X-Men 12
Ugh.  A whole issue that revolves around Namor’s sexual prowess.  Couple that with Greg Land’s photo-referenced models awkwardly shoehorned into their comic panels, and you end up with an issue that leaves me feeling icky.  A story that could have been better told in a Versus segment, and without an alien asking if Namor and Thing are going to mate.  

Less said about this the better.

Regret buying? No
Would buy again? No
Would read again? No
Rating: Didn’t suck

AvX 3-4
After the initial massive free for all between the two teams, the writers find a way to split the X-Men and Avengers up into 5 smaller groups so that they can fight each other in various tie-in issues. Meanwhile, Cap and Wolverine have an entertaining fight after Steve Rogers is somehow surprised that Logan’s solution to the Phoenix problem is to kill Hope.  Did he really not see that coming?  

JRJR's not bad at the 1-on-1 action scenes.

I stopped reading AvX after these issues.  I wasn’t in the mood to watch a Phoenix-powered Cyclops tell everyone he knows best when it comes to fixing the world (and kill Professor X in the process.)  

Other notes:
JRJR's not so good at the group scenes.  Everything's a lot less dynamic.  George Perez he ain't.
Gotta respect the sentiment.

Regret buying? No
Would buy again? Yes
Would read again? Yes
Rating: Nice

New Avengers 27-30
On the other hand, I kept buying New Avengers.  Because Bendis rules all.  Why didn’t I regularly collect his Avengers run?  Totally buying it after I write this.  Highlights:
  • Spider-Man gives Hope his “great power/great responsibility” speech.  It should be corny and it’s overused, but in Bendis’ hands, it doesn’t matter.  It inspires Hope and it inspires me.
  • Hawkeye breaks out of prison, and it’s awesome.

When did Hawkeye start ripping off Bulleye’s gimmick?  I thought he was only good at bows.

  • How many people can spend an entire issue on a conversation between people sitting around a table?  I’ll have to remember to keep an eye out, see who can challenge Bendis for that championship title.  

Doctor.  Doctor.  Captain.  Captain.

Regret buying? No
Would buy again? Yes
Would read again? Yes
Rating: Good

America 1-2
I’m a fan of Marvel’s recent push for more female solo titles - Ms. Marvel, America, Wasp, Squirrel-Girl, etc.  And I loved America Chavez in Young Avengers, so I gave her solo title a spin.  To my disappointment, the writing was a little too out there for my taste, and I’m cutting the two issues that I bought.  It reeked of Hickman’s Complex - Words that make sense individually, but not after they’re strung together into a sentence.  Though now I’m tempted to read the Moon Girl title.  A nine year old as the Marvel U’s smartest person?  I’ll give that concept a go.  

Regret buying? No
Would buy again? No
Would read again? No
Rating: Didn’t suck

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