Thursday, September 19, 2024

New Comics

More new comics!

Batman: Dark Age 5

This is still not bad, but I’ve pretty much lost all interest.  Only one issue to go.

Jenny Sparks 1

This fits in the “starts off a bit incomprehensible” camp of Tom King’s books.  

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2

Jason Aaron’s really nailing it.  It’s a very generic “I have everything that I want now that I’m rich and famous, why am I so unhappy?” story.  (Listen to Britney Spears’ Lucky.)  I suppose mixing in ninja and diamond nunchaku separates it from all the others 🙂

Transformers 12

This story arc ends, and I’m done with the title as well.  A month after saying I’m going to stick around for the full 24 issues, I’m tapping out.  It’s missing something.  Can’t explain it, but it’s definitely lacking something crucial.

Helen of Wyndhorn 4

So effing good.  This is why I love Tom King.  And he collaborates so well with Bilquis Evely.

Zatanna: Bring Down the House 3

I know it’s magic and all, but this is getting too psychedelic for my taste.  Still, the art by Javier Rodriguez is good, and maybe Mariko Tamaki can turn it around.  The arrival of John Constantine is a promising addition.

Fantastic Four 23-25

I so wish that Ryan North’s excellent run was paired with a better artist than the perfectly fine Carlos Gomez.  North’s scripts don’t always land perfectly, but the originality of the ideas deserves pencils of equal quality.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

New comics

New comics.  Many of them.

DC vs Vampires 1-12

Picked these up on the strength of an iFanboy recommendation and the awesomeness of Matthew Rosenberg and Otto Schmidt’s previous work.  I think I was hoping for something similar to Tom Taylor’s magnificent DCeased.  What I got was something close, but lacking the poignancy that elevated the zombie version.  

Things start off very well, with the heroes quickly forced on to their collective back feet.  The heroes are forced to scramble and regroup.  So far, so good,  But the plot fails with their final three-pronged plan; Green Arrow’s mission to rescue everyone is of no strategic significance, the quest to recharge Supergirl really has no business succeeding, and Batgirl’s final gambit makes no sense - She was always planning to become a bad guy?

On top of that, the storytelling is extremely muddled.  There were plenty of instances where I had trouble tracking what was going on.  I haven’t taken the time to determine who’s more responsible, but it’s definitely a combination of both the art and writing.

Still, it’s entertaining enough that I’ve picked up the tie-in trades and sequel series that just came out.  I still believe in the creative team, and the world is one that I’m keen to read more about.

Nightwing 117

One more issue to go in Tom Taylor’s run.  Dick gets over his fear of jumping and Bruce more than amply fills in his protege’s costume.  Not Taylor’s strongest work, but not a bad swan song.

Ultimate Spider-Man 8

Just some really solid comic booking by Jonathan Hickman and Marco Checchetto.  Not top tier, but super fun to read.

Get Fury 4-5

Too much government conspiracy, not enough Frank Castle.  I hope this isn’t a sign that Garth Ennis’ game is slipping; This is one of his weaker Punisher arcs, and it would be devastating for all involved if it’s the start of a trend.

Transformers 11

Turns out this is a 24-issue run.  This has been on the cusp of my cut list for a while, but knowing it’s halfway through is enough for me to stay around.  

Dark Knights of Steel: Allwinter 2

This continues to be way better than any expectations I had for it.  Both Jay Kristoff and Tirso are people I’ll be keeping an eye out for in the future.

Wonder Woman 12

Where does Tom King get his wonderful ideas?  Wonder Woman and Damian Wayne take turns interrogating Captain Boomerang, and it’s hilarious.  As with many of the high-concept pairings in this run, it’s a smidge too precious.  But King manages to get away with it.

Penguin 12

Not the best of Tom King’s endings, but I’m pretty sure that reading the whole thing will still be a positive experience.  

Scarlett 4

I didn’t enjoy this issue as much, but I think it was more my low energy level at the time than anything else.

Uncanny Valley 5

I’m so done with this series, the execution of an interesting idea has been remarkably lackluster.  I’d quit if there weren’t just one issue left.

Batman: Off-World 5

Losing my enthusiasm for this as well.  Am I just getting old and stodgy?  Sigh.  

Archie: The Decision 1

I bought this because Tom King wrote it.  I shouldn’t have bothered, it’s like every other old school Archie comic ever: Lame.  

Animal Pound 5

Maybe it’s not Animal Farm.  But it’s damn good.  I really liked the elegant twist on the classic final line of the book.  This will be a fun re-read, and I haven’t come close to parsing all the references to the current political world.

Babs 1

This is Garth Ennis in funny mode, his spin on a female fantasy warrior.  I’m so starved for Ennis comics that I’ll buy anything now… (It’s actually not bad.)