Sunday, May 7, 2023

New comics

New comics!  My comic buying schedule isn’t even close to weekly anymore, so things get bunched up a lot.  I think the lack of consistency is putting a damper on my enjoyment of the issues.  Something to think about.

Dark Knights of Steel 10

White Martian origins revealed as things get set up for the final fight.  This’ll probably be better on the re-read.

Fantastic Four 2

The comic shop finally got this in stock.  This is a spectacular issue.  Ryan North comes up with a great hook for a done-in-one issue, and really cements this as something to get on a monthly basis. 

Fantastic Four 6

North hasn’t quite been able to maintain his early momentum, but things are still interesting enough for me to stick with it for a few more issues.

Fables 158

I’m only still buying this because I’m pot committed with four issues remaining.  This is a total waste of everyone’s time.

Superman 3

Jamal Campbell’s art remains excellent and Joshua Williamson nails the character dynamics between Clark, Lois, and Luthor.  It’s too bad that the main plot with Parasite is completely uninteresting, and the next issue with Silver Banshee looks equally bland.  I’m giving this one more issue.

DCeased: War of the Undead Gods 8

A nice final moment between Jon and Damian, but this was otherwise the weakest of the DCeased arcs.  Erebos is a lame villain, the zombie virus really didn’t need an uber big bad behind it all.  

Love Everlasting 6

Still have no idea what’s going on, still enjoying the heck out of this.  It’s so different from anything else that’s out there.

Nightwing 103

Not bad, but I can’t wait for Tom Taylor to get Nightwing back to his street-level roots.  

Gotham City: Year One 6

This is perfectly average for a Tom King story.  It’s fine, but I’m most likely going to forget he ever wrote this in six months.

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