Thursday, March 16, 2023

New comics

Slaughterhouse Five

I’ve never read the original novel, and I’d heard good things about this adaptation.  (I know Ryan North from the Fantastic Four series I’m reading now.  I had no idea until now that he’s the genius behind the web comic Dinosaur Comics, a favorite of mine from years ago.  Good to see him again!)

Maybe Slaughterhouse was revolutionary when it first came out, but its story with all the time jumps and aliens has since been done much better.  It’s similar to when I saw Raiders of the Lost Ark for the first time when I was 22; Wish I could have experienced it earlier.

New comics!

Fantastic Four 5

Speaking of Ryan North.  This definitely isn’t my favorite run of FF, but North has been very good every month at taking one nifty hook and using it to carry 22 pages of story.  Once he starts faltering in that realm, I’m probably out.

Danger Street 4

Speaking of out.  I haven’t dropped a Tom King miniseries in as far back as I can remember.  But there’s nothing here that’s keeping my interest.  It’s a super rare fail from a modern master.

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