Saturday, January 7, 2023

New comics

I’ve got a month’s worth of comics to catch up on, I haven’t had time to go to my LCS in ages.

Batman: Beyond the White Knight 7

The Bat-Family reconciles and teams up to fight Derek Powers.  Definite diminishing returns with the Murphyverse (that’s really what they’re calling it).  This isn’t bad or anything, but I wouldn’t be sad if this was the last one.

Fantastic Four 1, 3

I picked this up based off of some glowing iFanboy reviews, and it’s as good as advertised.  Writer Ryan North comes up with some great high concepts for each of these standalone issues.  The comic shop was out of issue 2, but should be getting it in on reorder.  I’ll stick with this for a little while.

Mary Jane and Black Cat 1

I really liked their previous team-up, but this one’s a tie-in with Dark Web, which is basically Inferno 2.  Pass, the first Inferno didn’t do much for me, and the interplay between the two women isn’t good enough for me to stick around.  Jed MacKay had a great run on Black Cat, but this is the end of the road for me.

That's so Doom.

DCeased: War of the Undead Gods 5

Mxyzptlk gets infected.  Kilowog and John Stewart die.  Spectre shows up to save the day, and things just got a lot less interesting.  I’ve never been a fan of his.

Nightwing 99

A not-bad, but rather forgettable issue.  Melinda renounces her Zucco parentage.  Tom Taylor alludes to some kind of mysterious inheritance for Dick.  No doubt things will get better again soon.

Dark Knights of Steel 9

Tom Taylor does a really nice job of escalating the war.  Then it turns out it’s the White Martians, and Alfred has been the Martian Manhunter all along.  The first twist isn’t really surprising, the second one is pretty awesome.

That's so Batman.

Gotham City: Year One 4

In the tradition of the best film noirs, Slam Bradley gets beat up by corrupt cops, has sex, then beats up some cops.  Tom King and Phil Hester have a sweet mood piece on their hands.

Love Everlasting 5

Things are cleared up a teensy-weensy bit.  Some lady named Penny Page reveals the meta nature of the series to protagonist Joan, as well as the ominous existence of Joan’s mother.  But other than that, it’s still pretty opaque.  Still fun, though.

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