Friday, November 13, 2020

New Comics, Uncanny X-Men

New comics!

Captain Marvel 23

Lee Garbett’s art still rules, and the alternate future story is still fun enough.

Fire Power 5

I’m continuing to enjoy this, but I’m starting to wonder if it’s actually good enough to merit a re-read.  In the Robert Kirkman library, it’s better than Walking Dead, not as good as Invincible.  Where does that put it on whether I should keep getting it?  Not sure.

DCeased: Dead Planet 5

Jason Todd dies, Cassandra Cain gets the power of Shazam, and yet this really feels like a filler episode.  Am I starting to take Tom Taylor for granted?  This will probably get better on the re-read.

Uncanny X-Men 192-204, 206

X-Men/Alpha Flight 1-2

Continuing the run of X-Men I grew up with.  Even though these were published years before I started collecting, they’re the ones I read over and over along with the issues that were coming out.  As such, nostalgia might be responsible for an additional tick in the rating, but I think they’re still really solid on their own merit.

That is, if you can get past the rampant Chris Claremontisms.  Claremont’s like the Aaron Sorkin of comic books - There’s no one with a more distinctive voice, with certain phrases that he likes to reuse over and over.  Part of it’s due to the era - writers back then were in the habit of assuming that each issue was someone’s first, so they would always have to devote panels to recapping the story and summarizing everyone’s powers and abilities.  But even accounting for that, there’s no explaining Claremont’s love for body and soul.  

Why is he so in love with that phrase?!?

This is the first time I noticed how much Kitty likes to speechify... profile... people taller than her.

Somewhat apt that Claremont is so enamored of this quote...

...six years apart.  How things stay the same indeed.

John Romita Jr draws great oversized dudes.

Another example.

Can only think of the Friends theme here.

I love how even the X-Men just want to sleep in sometimes.

I usually gloss over property damage in comic fights, but this one made me wince.

Scott's such a dick.

Such a dick.

More examples of letterer Tom Orzechowski's genius.

Tickle fonts!

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Pretty good  (Nice for the Beyonder issues (202-203))

New Mutants Special Edition 1

Uncanny X-Men Annual 9

The Asgardian Wars.  This might be one of my favorite X-Men stories.  The Art Adams art is so so gorgeous and detailed, Claremont has the pages to give each of the characters their own time to shine, and the sprawling tale is suitably epic for the annual format.

Love how Art Adams poses the cast of characters.

Jim Lee would use it years later.
Great Volstagg by Adams

And great physical humor here.

Creepy skulls in her mouth.

Stellar costume designs for Storm in this story.

I want more Storm, Goddess of Thunder

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Good

Uncanny X-Men 205

This Barry Windsor Smith-drawn standalone is particularly fine.  Another personal favorite in Claremont’s run.  

I mean, check out this fight scene!

So visceral.

Not from this issue, just another lovely BWS page.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Really good

Uncanny X-Men 210-212

X-Factor 10

The Mutant Massacre.  A classic in the X-Men canon, but a little lower in my estimation - it had been so hyped up in my mind every time I heard about it that the actual issues, while entertaining, couldn’t live up to how I had imagined it.  Still, there’s no denying its effect on X-Men history.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Nice

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