Sunday, June 14, 2020

Sinestro Corps War, Green Lantern, Green Lantern Corps

Sinestro Corps Special 1
Green Lantern 21-25
Green Lantern Corps 14-18
Superman-Prime 1

The Sinestro Corps War!  This is as good as I remembered, especially the Battle of Mogo that ran through the GLC issues.  Dave Gibbons and Patrick Gleason are a spectacular team, and this was their last hurrah on the title.  The whole thing feels special-event-worthy in a way that few comic events do anymore - Every issue serves a purpose without feeling like filler, and taken as a whole, tells the whole story without relying on any crossover issues.  (Superman-Prime being the forgivable exception.)    

This is why I went back and bought the beginning of the runs of these two titles.  When this story came to an end, I wanted more.  I’ll let the art make the rest of my argument.

I mean.  Dude.  Seriously.

So many splashes in this story.  So fun.

Nice shadows on his face.  Very Tony Harris.

Great setup for an epic showdown.

So.  Many.  Splashes.

It's like the end of a Marvel movie, but feels a lot more meaningful.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: Yes
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Good for GLC and the Sinestro Special, Pretty good for GL, Nice for Superman-Prime

Green Lantern 26-35
Mostly filler to get to Rage of the Red Lanterns.  The Secret Origins arc rehashes a bunch of scenes Geoff Johns has already given to us in flashbacks.  Its primary purpose is to introduce us to Atrocitus.  

The colors by Dave McCaig are beautiful on this set of covers.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: Yes
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Nice

Rage of the Red Lantern 1
Green Lantern 36-38
Geoff Johns inches closer and closer to Blackest Night with the introduction of the Red and Blue Lanterns.  The oaths are getting a little forced, but he’s got some neat ideas - The blue rings boosts green rings, but don’t work w/out one in close proximity, for example.  Things are ramping up nicely, but let’s see what’s been going on in GLC…

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: Yes
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Pretty good

Green Lantern Corps 19-26
Peter Tomasi takes over for the amazing Dave Gibbons, and does a pretty good job of maintaining the awesomeness.  Yellow-ringed Mongul is a worthy threat for a team of Green Lanterns, and Gleason draws an amazing Mercy planet, rendering a hellish landscape with a ring of dead bodies.  This is a fun arc, and Tomasi accomplishes the improbable by making me feel sad about the death of a fly. No joke.

Guest artist Nelson is a total Tom Grummett clone.

Love Grummett.
Heh, love snoozing Guy getting dragged along.

Kyle's freezer reference threw me for a loop.  Apparently DC felt the same way, they changed it in the reprint.

This got a sniffle out of me.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: Yes
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Pretty good

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