Sunday, March 15, 2020

New Comics, Flash

New comics!
Punisher: Soviet 5
We’ve reached the part of the Ennis Punisher story where the talking stops and the shooting begins.  Still pretty good because it’s Ennis.

Hawkeye: Freefall 4
Matthew Rosenberg really knows how to write a funny, action-packed comic.  He’s tone-perfect here, and Otto Schmidt matches him on art beat for beat.

Flash 164-182
Flash: Iron Heights
The Geoff Johns era of Flash begins.  This may be my first time re-reading this, and so far, the quality of the stories are fully supporting my positive memories of them.  It says a lot that almost twenty issues in, I still can’t wait to read the next one. There’s a freshness and energy to this run that, in hindsight, is missing from the Waid run.  Johns is doing a wonderful job of slowly building out his cast of characters, both on Team Flash and the Rogues’ Gallery, with each new introduction adding to a complex tapestry of plot that really feels as if it’s driving to something huge.  Kind of like the MCU. I can’t remember how it ends, and i’m looking forward to finding out.

Let’s look at some impressive Scott Kolins splashes.  (His storytelling is spot on, too.)

I love his art.  Few people can make their pages look this good without using any solid blacks at all.  No one else comes to mind, really.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: Yes
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Starts out Nice, gets to Pretty good

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