Sunday, April 28, 2024

Shows and Movies

Some tv shows:


As someone who loved Maya Lopez’s original appearances, it’s weird for me to see her with undefined superpowers in the new Marvel show.  Even more so because they seem so similar to Kahhori’s from the latest What If… season.  

Ultimately, I found myself not caring at all about Maya or this story on the reservation of her childhood.  Kingpin’s return is moderately entertaining, mostly for the sweet sign languaging AR tech.  (How far are we from that actually being a thing?)

After this, I have little desire to see more of the MCU Maya Lopez, which saddens me greatly.

Worth watching: No

Would watch again: No

Would buy on DVD: No

Rating: Didn’t suck

Masters of the Air

The companion piece to Band of Brothers and The Pacific.  

  • The action is stunning and visceral, but there’s a sameness to all of the missions (take off, fly, get hit by flak and fighters, drop bombs, land/get shot down) that means they can’t be the focus of every episode the way each set piece was so distinctive in the other two shows.

  • The high casualty count means that the show can’ really stay on the same group of characters; The Red Tails show up for a few disjointed episodes, Buck and Bucky’s stint in captivity fails to captivate, Crosby is stuck behind a desk for most of the run, and Rosie is only around for the second half.  It’s harder to care for these men.

  • Certainly not rewatchable the way Brothers is, but that’s a high bar to reach.  But it might not even be as good as Pacific, which isn’t nearly so lofty in its accomplishments.  

Worth watching: Yes

Would watch again: Yes (Parts of it, at least)

Would buy on DVD: No

Rating: Nice

3 Body Problem

I was certainly riveted for the whole run as the mystery slowly unfolded and the threat revealed.  The ship sequence is up there among the most impressive tv scenes ever filmed, no lie.  And something about Will’s unrequited love resonates deeply.  But for all that, what I really want to do is read the book now, because I imagine it’ll be better still than this adaptation.  I hope to find out soon.

Worth watching: Yes

Would watch again: Yes

Would buy on DVD: No

Rating: Pretty good

Monkey Man

I was excited to watch this after all of the positive reviews.  Unfortunately, while Dev Patel’s an appealing and effective lead, the film fails for me on two key fronts: The action, which while executed, doesn’t stand out in any way; the comparisons to The Raid and John Wick are not suitable.  And the protagonist is too stupid for me to root for; he’s patient and smart enough to methodically plan for his opportunities, but he botches both the first assassination attempt (got too close and got caught monologuing) and the final coup de grace (got even closer and got caught listening to a monologue).  Idiot.

That said, there are a few moments of superb filmmaking: Loved the training scene with the diegetic drum music and the final moment where he sees his mother again.  

Worth watching: Yes

Would watch again: No

Would buy on DVD: No

Rating: Fine